A lively pasta salad where the orecchiette serve as little bowls for salty, soft cheese, crunchy celery, and briny olives. Chickpeas provide protein in...
This salad brings out the best in seasonal produce and fresh herbs. A simple drizzle of olive oil and white balsamic vinegar and some salt and pepper make...
Emeril Lagasse's "Farm to Fork" takes advantage of the health benefits from eating whole grains, which are prized in the kitchen for their nutritional...
This Ravioli Salad with Cilantro Pesto, Olives, and Pepitas recipe was adapted from Super Natural Every Day by Heidi Swanson (Ten Speed Press; 2011). It...
For a tastier and healthier side dish, try this Pasta and Vegetable Salad for fresh spin on an old standby at your next summer outing. With its high protein...
A surprising combination of textures, flavors, and colors, this recipe provides a perfect start to virtually any meal. Do not slice the avocado until you...
It takes a little doing to cook lima beans, but the results are so worth the effort. For this satisfying salad, they're soaked overnight, simmered with...
This vegetarian version of the classic Nicoise salad recipe substitutes white beans for the tuna and lemon zest for the anchovies. Some beans are smashed...
Fresh cucumbers and shallots are simply dressed and presented in this summer salad from chef Elizabeth Karmel of Hill Country Barbecue Market and Hill...
Chopped fresh herbs take this crisp cucumber salad to the next level. Sliced kumquats and sumac provide a vibrant counterpoint to both the cucumbers, and...
Halved figs on a block of French feta cheese, drizzled with olive oil andsprinkled with mint leavesand ground black pepper couldn't be easier to make....
Peppery arugula and salty pecorino cheese make a particularly good combination. You can forgo dressing or drizzle a little extra-virgin olive oil over...
Don't throw out your radish greens! They make a delicious addition to this bulgur-flecked herb salad when finely chopped. Serve alongside Martha's Fish...
This Reuben Chopped Salad has all the delicious flavors of your favorite classic diner sandwich, but in a healthier salad version - Complete with scratch...
Chioggia beets are pink on the outside and striped on the inside. Because they are not cooked in this recipe, choose tender baby beets. You can use red...